Friday, January 14, 2005

Love and almost impossible combination

I've had so much to think about this past week...a lot of stuff has been things I'm learning in class, but a lot has been from conversations I've had with people and things I've been noticing in my life. We've got a great teacher for two weeks teaching us Christian Worldview, or philosophy, and there are so many new concepts to look at. It's been extremely interesting though difficult in a sense to fully understand the reasoning of many of the past philosophers.

The more I think about it, the more I realize I'm just an awful person. No matter how much I want to be a good Christian, I'm not able to do it. There are many things I struggle with, like talking about people, and treating those more "unfortunate" ones with love, even when they annoy the heck out of you. God is love, and He expects us to be loving towards others, even when it can be extremely difficult. I think a lot of it is a pride thing. I have way too much pride in my life, and I tend to unintentionally put people on different levels of "importance" compared to myself and almost base that on how they should be treated. It's sad when you think about it, but it's something I'm trying to work on. We're all equal in God's eyes, so we should be treated equal. I guess we should treat others better than ourselves, because in reality we are nothing, it's just our pride that makes us think we are. Why does it have to be so difficult to do what's right?

So ya...lots of things I've got to think about this semester, many decisions I've gotta make in the next few months. It's going to be extremely busy, especially with all the drama and choir trips taking place, as well as StuCo stuff, and other activities that will most likely be taking place. It's been a good week and a half of the semester so far, though I've got a lot of reading and assignments ahead. I'm just praying that I'll be able to finish them in decent time, without a whole lot of stress. Anyhow, I'm off for the night....until next time!

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