Sunday, September 10, 2006

No more Green Tree

I am very happy to say that this past Wednesday I quit my job. :D I'm rather excited to be out of that place. I'll miss some of the people, but I don't have to stress out anymore about the work ethics there and such. On Friday I went out job hunting and actually met with some success. The manager at Webers Downtowner (a diner) sat and chatted with me and made an appointment for me to go in for a working interview. I just got back from it a short while ago and it was pretty fun. I followed the hostess around for a while and she showed me the ropes and explained everything to me. It looks like it'll be a fun place to work, so we'll have to see what happens. I'm supposed to hear back from the manager this week sometime. In the meantime my dad is keeping me busy working for him at home, so I'm not completely jobless. :P It's not easy to stand up for yourself sometimes, but I've discovered that it's worth it, no matter how tough it is. It was a load off of my shoulders telling my boss that I wouldn't be coming back in. I'm just trying to leave things in God's hands and trust Him to lead me in the right direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And have you investigated Christian Horizons? :o)

Aunt Deb (always recruiting)