Sunday, January 01, 2006

Yo-ho-ho... part deux

So after the T-ree shirts we listened to some BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. It was really something.

It WAS really something.
I am tired.
But.... moving on. After that we had to make our man.
We sewed and sewed and sewed.

It was very challenging...especially when we started at different ends to meet in the middle, good times let me tell ya. After we sewed him up we took him outside and then...well you can see the rest for yourself. I don't like to talk about it. You get really attached to these guys ya know.

we had fireworks and and and sparklers and and and then we drank some lovely ginger beer (yuck) and and and he burned up big and fast like a choo-choo train on a full tank of gas... on the choo-choo train... if it was burning ... it was a late night. I almost couldn't finish my puzzle. Which will remain in the closed and hidden files because it is too beautiful for you to see like those princesses who people couldn't look at or they would be beheaded. Obviously metaphors aren't working for me today. After that we watched a movie and didn't get to bed until after 3. We woke up and went to church like good little girls and that is all. We had beans for lunch.... they were yummy. Nicki's mom is a good cooker.

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