I'm home right now, but only for the rest of the afternoon. I came back for an interview, which went well. It sounds like a job that I'd enjoy, and the guy who interviewed me was very friendly and said he was "pleasantly surprised." I take that as a good sign that I could get the job, and he told me if it didn't work out, then he knows of another place that's hiring and he'd try and get me the job there. My sister works next door to this place, and it was because of her that I got the interview, so thanks Dawn. :D
Only 5 weeks of classes left. :S I'm torn between being excited and depressed. I'll be glad to be done, but I've got a truckload of work to get done by that time...actually probably more like 5 truckloads. :P The only way I'll survive it is with God's help. It'll be a lot of late nights I'm sure.
It's been a difficult semester, but God's really been teaching me a lot. One of the big things has been contentment. I need to be content where He has me right now, even though I don't know why or where I'm going from here. He's shown me that unless I'm making Him my priority nothing will be clear. I hadn't been spending much time with Him, and I was getting frustrated and discouraged all the time. I decided to push aside the other things that were on my mind and try and just focus on my relationship with Jesus Christ. It was very refreshing, especially for the first week. After that it got a lot harder. This past week I really struggled with the frustration and discouragement again. It's so difficult to completely trust God with things and to know that He has a plan for my life. I've been reading in Matthew recently, and the Sermon on the Mount (5-7) was very encouraging. I learned a lot from it and was challenged to work on areas of my life that weren't very Christ-like, such as being loving to everyone. :S There are a few people that I just have a hard time appreciating, so I don't always respond very kindly. I know that it's not right, and I shouldn't judge them, so I'm trying to love them more and I'm learning to appreciate them and treat them as Christ would. It's a good jolt to the pride, but much needed.
There's an opportunity for me to go to Nicaragua in the fall as well, so I'm praying about that right now. I'd love to go, and I think it'll be good for me. We'll see what happens over the next little while.
The past few weeks have been busy and mostly enjoyable...Brooksy was up for the Carpenter's Box conference during the break and we had a blast. We just had Focus this past week, so that kept us busy. The Performing Arts Group had been travelling around a fair bit. It's about to get really busy. Our schedule is pretty full for the next few weeks.
I'm off to do something productive. God bless :)
wow thats far! for hoe long? with who? keep praying about it girl, and when things get tough remember He has a great plan for you, and its not His goal that your life suck. i love you nicki.(hugs)
i heart you
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